
malovaní ptáčci

They like to nest on the walls of houses, sheds and barns. They fly to warmer regions in late May 9, sometimes in early May 10.
malovaní ptáčci

They make nests from clay under the cornice of the roof. At the time of the outbreak of bird flu, there were clever people who said that dahlias and swallows were the source of infection, so the nest began to collapse.
malovaní ptáčci
It must be remembered that at first glance it is recognized from the swallow by its tail and other coloring. Unlike the swallow\’s fork, the tail has a blunt tip.
It grows to about 13 cm and has a wingspan of 26-29 cm. The weight is about 18 g, the back is blue with a steel shade, the skeleton and the underside of the body are light. There are white feathers on the legs. Young birds are darker than adults and have sparse white wings.
It has a white skeleton, so it is easily recognizable from the riverbank in flight.
Her squeal is quiet, and the lure sounds like “crrr.” The cries of warning are high and piercing. “Chee Chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee chee”

It is still abundantly on the whole territory, from lowlands to mountainous areas of huge mountains. It returns from its winter habitat in South Africa around 4 mid-may. It prefers open landscapes with low vegetation, such as meadows, meadows and, most often, water bodies.
Dahlias nest 2-3 times a year, like swallows, and 1 pair has 7-10 chicks a year. The heating of eggs lasts 14-16 days, and parents take turns to participate in feeding. Young people leave the house in 22-32 days, but after a few days they are fed by their parents.  60-80% of young people reach adulthood.
Their nests are closed and have small entrance openings, building them on windows, under shelves, and on the outer shell of buildings. Some prevent swallows and doves from nest in their homes, but others appreciate their presence and welcome them. They bring happiness. A little bit of the mess they make is not a problem to clean up, or throw away under the nest and build something to dispose of after their departure.
They nest in colonies of less than 10 pairs, but can be much more.
The nest is made of clumps of clay, lined with stems and feathers.
hejno holubů
Food in the air
catches insects and spiders carried by the wind. He prefers flies, flying ants and aphids.

In order for these birds to make a long journey across the Mediterranean and Sahara Desert to central and southern Africa, they need to get enough fat reserves. But not always all survive the pitfalls of a long journey. According to ornithologists, about 3 in 1 of them come back.