Having a dog in your apartment

Whether your only option is to keep your dog in an apartment, or if you have a house with a yard but want to stay home with your dog, read Useful Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know. Hair – If you have a pet in your home, be prepared for tons of hair on the…

chinchilla care

Chinchillas are small rodents. Smaller in size than a rabbit, but larger than a hamster. It is native to the Andes region of South America. It is often found in mountainous areas. Today, if it were not for chinchilla farms, we might encounter this animal only in taxidermy or in museums. Thanks to farms, we…

How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

The little insects with the distinctive name of squeaky mosquitoes are the most prevalent in our country and make our lives truly unpleasant, not only by their annoying buzzing sound, but unfortunately also by transmitting many unpleasant diseases.. Unfortunately for us,mosquitoes are found everywhere in the Czech Republic, unmistakably recognizing and preying on warm-blooded animals.…

Did you have a puppy?

[18 How is it possible? Yesterday, the box was empty, today there are toddlers, whining, rumbling. Your bitch is out of the worst of it. He looks tired, but not as tired as yesterday. He will appreciate and accept any of your attention. You look at her with love. You\’d rather just give her a…

How to choose the right dog for you?

o Every dog needs a differentenvironment to live in. There is a big difference between wanting a husky or a chihuahua. In fact, if you live in a family house or cottage, then this requirement does not bother you at all. For example, an open space or paddock somewhere in the garden will please both…

elephants and lions

We love animals, animals, animals. I think you all know this song. I like this song very much because I learned it in kindergarten. I really enjoyed going to kindergarten. But there were some children in our kindergarten who did not want to go to kindergarten, and I liked to stay at home with my…

Unusual pets, just a rabbit

As you know, pet choices are wide. It is stated almost everywhere that the most popular are dogs and cats. However, if you don\’t have a yard, don\’t want to walk your dog for time reasons, or wouldn\’t dream of a meowing cat, there are other solutions. Specifically, dwarf rabbits. Dwarf rabbits are specially bred,…

Dog Training

Dogs are the most popular pets in homes today. We use dogs as guardians to protect our homes and property. Or as hunters and herd keepers. Some breeds are used as draft dogs.The dog\’s closest relative is the wolf. The difference between wolves and dogs is that dogs have a shorter and wider muzzle, a…

Medicinal Catnip

At the University of California, Davis, scientists have studied why our little furry friends actually purr. The frequency of this regular sound ranges from 25 hertz to 150 hertz, which is the same as a human heartbeat.It is this very deep frequency that is so beneficial to all organisms, and all organisms improve when exposed…