We encounter pests in our homes almost all year round. They are primarily insects, mites, rodents, and vertebrates, with some mice and rats in the basement. There are also many livestock pests, such as sawflies, cockroaches, mealworms, and ants, and finally, there are pests of textiles, household goods, and other permanent property.
Inventory pests
Having pests in your home does not mean you are dirty or slothful. Believe that whoever wants to enter your home will find a way.There are two ways to fight pests. One is to clean out your pantry, especially if you have a clean pantry. Intruders like warmth, moisture, quiet, and an abundance of food. Alternatively, as a direct measure, one can use a variety of fungicides. For example, do not mix old and new flour. The butterfly lays its eggs in flour, pasta, nuts, almonds, and sweets. The small caterpillars nest and cause an odor around infested products. 24]
Pantry beetles
have a diverse diet, attacking not only flour, but also grains, meals, biscuits, confections, legumes, spices, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, ground pepper, and even chocolate and candy. even chocolate and candy. It is difficult to defend against, and it is best to dispose of infested products immediately. Otherwise, they can only be killed by heat of 70-80 °C.
Cockroaches and rust are very unpleasant insects, but need not be feared. In a properly controlled and ventilated pantry, they seldom appear. If food is tightly sealed with a mesh hatch or other means, cockroaches will not find a suitable living environment. If necessary, the pantry floor and walls can be disinfected with a spray.
Cockroachesare small beetles that attack a variety of foods in moist environments. Defensive measures include drying, tidying, and cleaning up infested areas.35]
The warehouse sweeper jis a very serious pest, especially the larvae. The female lays small eggs in the food and the larvae feed on them. The larvae are only killed by high temperatures.
The rice water bugis already well known by name for its parasitism of rice and other grains. It does not inhabit dry environments. As long as the stock is kept dry, there is no need to worry. Furthermore, the rice sawfly, like the black sawfly, can be killed by heating the stock to 55°C or higher.
Black sawfliesare the most common. The small brownish-black beetle and its female nibble on grain grains and lay one egg each. The larvae then feed on the remainder of the grain until they pupate.
50] Houseflies cannot be omitted either.
They inhabit warm areas and are often found in the summer on decaying materials and foods (meat, bread, sugar, etc.). Health hazards. Carriers of dangerous gastrointestinal disease pathogens when flying from decaying materials and fecal matter to food. The best defense is to net windows to prevent entry. Then use fly swatters and effective insect repellents.