Dogs are the most popular pets in homes today. We use dogs as guardians to protect our homes and property. Or as hunters and herd keepers. Some breeds are used as draft dogs.
The dog\’s closest relative is the wolf. The difference between wolves and dogs is that dogs have a shorter and wider muzzle, a wider skull, and less robust teeth. Dogs have very good senses, including a sense of smell, and can sniff out footprints that are several days old. They cannot focus their eyes like humans and are farsighted, but they can detect sounds at 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz. However, to be able to rely on a dog, obedience must be taught.
Dogs need to be trained as early as possible. Already at the first hygiene routine, the dog should understand what he is allowed to do and what he is not allowed to do. They should be walked as often as possible to avoid puddles in the house. Physical punishment is not allowed, but verbal reprimand (raised voice) is necessary. Praise and treats can always be given for correct behavior.
It is recommended that the first commands be taught at four months of age. They should be able to run when called and obey the commands “sit,” “down,” and “wait. They can also learn obedience in the training room with other dogs.
The dogs are also used by people with disabilities, who are helped by them in their daily lives. For example, they accompany blind people when they cross crosswalks during walks, pick up items on the ground in the house, look for keys, open doors, and help them change clothes. Training and educating this dog is very difficult. This is because the dog must be accustomed to noise (a busy environment) and must not be frightened of children or other dogs on the playground. Trainers use commands to train dogs indoors and outdoors. It takes an average of 9 to 10 months to train a dog, sometimes longer. Some commands are more difficult than others and take longer for the dog to learn.
Caring for a dog means taking it to the vet regularly, having it vaccinated, having it chipped (now mandatory), grooming its coat, and feeding it good quality food.