However, corporate training does not necessarily have to be conducted in this traditional way. It can function as a model for open discussion forums. In the Czech Republic, this is not practiced or even known, but in the UK and US, such a practice is very common. It has quickly taken hold among employees and has been very successful. What on earth does this mean?
Acting the boss
The main theme is stress. Although an unwanted element, we encounter stress in the workplace today and every day. Despite entering our lives as an uninvited guest, we are unable to face stress as we would like and allow ourselves to be affected by its pitfalls.
Theoretical preparation is to identify patterns of behavior in boss-subordinate relationships. It is the relationship of unequal status that causes the greatest griping and representation problems in the firm. All such behavior should take the form of discussion, but how can it be done when we are of different natures?
Trainers conducting the training focused on the basic personality types: bilious, melancholic, and phlegmatic.
Each participant was given the floor and asked to briefly introduce themselves and try to fit themselves into a category. They were then paired with someone else or directly with their supervisor to try a truth game: the two swapped positions, each playing as the other. For example, the bilious is extremely frustrated by the phlegmatic\’s ignorance, while the melancholic, drowning in melancholy, does not understand the dynamism of the bilious. These exemplary situations allow people to get closer to each other, to understand each other, and to improve the relationship between people in the company to a remarkable degree.