Knit Socks

Are you as interested in fashion as I am? To be honest, I couldn\’t imagine my life without fashion. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a model. Ever since I was little, I loved looking at fashion magazines, not only fashion, but also cosmetics and expensive perfumes. In…

If you are inspired by someone else’s fashion

Some people take great pleasure in being inspired by other people\’s fashion. This is certainly not a bad thing, especially if one is inspired by someone who dresses very nicely. However, there are also people who are inspired by the fashion of someone who absolutely cannot dress nice, and when they meet that person on…

Both thin and strong skirts

I love dressing up, I love dressing up, I love mini-skirts. I don\’t know what anyone thinks about me wearing skirts and mini-skirts all the time, but more than that, I think all women with thin legs should wear mini-skirts because I have really thin legs. Especially in the winter, when it\’s not so cold…

Favorite colors

Do you like fashion and also like to dress stylishly? If so, I will not blame you. Many people love fashion, but whether you are a man or a woman, an adult, a young person or a child, it does not matter. I have an 8-year-old niece who loves fashion. As a little girl my…

What to wear to the beach?

It\’s that time of year when many people are already looking around for a place to spend their summer vacation. If you have decided to go to the beach or the ocean, you should not underestimate the importance of preparing the clothes you will wear by the water. So, what do you need and what…

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

UNESCO, like UNICEF, is one of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations. It is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization . Its main areas of work include Memory of the World, World Heritage, Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Mankind.World Heritage Sites in the Czech RepublicThus, UNESCO monuments belong…

Fashions for the fuller-figured woman

Everywhere on the planet, women\’s age-old desire is the same. They all want to be liked. Not only to themselves, but especially to their partners. A major contributor to women\’s desirability is the way they dress. It varies from continent to continent. The only thing that is common everywhere is that it should accentuate a…

What is fashion?

It is believed that the cradle of fashion is France, where many luxurious fashion houses were created, famous for their works around the world. Their products are still exclusive, mainly due to the sophisticated design and high price. Only a few people can afford them, and in their offers you can find really unique pieces…


Puma   Německáznaška zalošená Rudolfem Dasslerem. Ten,společný se svěm bratrem Adolfem,vyráběl boty doma doslova na koleni. Jednoho dne se Rudolf vydal na Letní olympijské hry do Berlína a prodal jeden pár vyrobeněch bot atletovi,kterě vyhrál svou disciplínu. To Byla velice dobráreklama, kterou Rudolf aninečekal. A najednou se začaly hrnout spousty objednávek na boty od sportovcý…

The Crazy 80s

When it comes to 80s fashion, there is no need to dwell on memories. You can still buy models that incorporate those elements. If you are so inclined. Some people loved it (or found something that suited them), others don\’t need it and are glad it\’s gone. But few will forget the leggings, the “mold,”…