Category: Holiday
Yesseniky Mountains Holidays
The Jeseník Mountains are a mountain range in northern Moravia, divided into two groups known as the Hrubý (Hrubý) Jeseník (Nízký) Jeseník (Jeseník). In this case, “rough” means “high” or “massive.” Moravians use the word “rough” in common speech in this context as well, but it is less common in Bohemia, for example. Pradjed and…
Home for the holidays? Why?
When you think about it, vacationing at home has many advantages. The accommodations are perfect for your tastes and you don\’t have to worry about strange cuisine. You have plenty of plans saved for “someday,” and now is the perfect time to put them into action. It\’s not about painting the kitchen or cleaning out…
Nice trip
My boyfriend once took me on a winter vacation to Italy. To tell you the truth, I had never skied in my life, and I only did cross-country skiing here because I enjoyed cross-country skiing every winter. But I had never been on a winter vacation. I preferred cross-country skiing because I was afraid of…
Dovolená s kolegy z práce
Pokud vymělíte dovolenou,kterábude stát za to,ale nevíte,s kěm byste na takovou dovolenou mohli jet,nabízí se jednočečení. Mřete oslovit například kolegy z práce,zda by s vámi nejeli na nějakou dovolenou. Pokud mezi sebou máte dobré vztahy,rozhodně se jich měete zkusit zeptat,zda by s vámi na nějakou tu dovolenou někam počeské Republices nezajeli. Je mošné,še něco takového…
6 Helpers Don’t leave home while traveling
There is no boredom here
Vacation. We go with the camper!
Driving a modern camper is no different from driving a regular car. Of course, you can not expect acceleration, as in a sports car, but even in the corners, the passage is not as comfortable as in a normal car. Otherwise, do not expect great difficulties. It\’s like sitting in a 20-year-old station wagon. And…
Adrenaline Experience
Everyone should enjoy moments of relaxation to their heart\’s content. Those who are not content to simply relax by the water with a book in their hands and seek active relaxation and a variety of sporting activities need to consider the possible risks and work to avoid them. Insurance is a necessity For common accidents,…
Are you ready for Christmas?
We all love Christmas. Especially children, because Santa Claus brings us presents. And everyone looks forward to it, even adults. At Christmas time, everyone has at least a little happiness and love in their hearts and feels at least a little different than they do all year round. Christmas Eve is a magical season, and…