How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

The little insects with the distinctive name of squeaky mosquitoes are the most prevalent in our country and make our lives truly unpleasant, not only by their annoying buzzing sound, but unfortunately also by transmitting many unpleasant diseases..

Unfortunately for us,mosquitoes are found everywhere in the Czech Republic, unmistakably recognizing and preying on warm-blooded animals. Only females suck blood with their long snouts. However, the fact remains that mosquito bites are unpleasant and itchy. Some vulnerable individuals have allergic reactions after being bitten.
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Mosquitoes generally prefer moisture, and females lay their larvae in water. If you want to spend a pleasant summer evening sitting outdoors by the water, remember to use insect repellent. Mosquitoes can make being outdoors very uncomfortable.

How can you protect yourself from mosquitoes?

There are several more or less effective means. Commercial chemical repellents are probably the most effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay, but some people prefer natural repellents.

You can also follow the old advice and make your own repellents from natural products.
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Bring the piecesof clovesto a boil and mix them with the cologne. Pour the solution into a bowl and allow it to evaporate in the sleeping room. You will know for yourself whether this advice is valid or invalid.

Citronella has a pungent lemon-like scent that keeps mosquitoes away. It is used in the form of essential oil and evaporates in an aroma lamp. Aromatic candles also have repellent properties.

Other herbs that repel mosquitoes include:rosemary, cinnamon, and mint.

If you need to make a repellent to spray on your body, boil one of the aforementioned herbs, infuse it, and allow it to cool. When cool, mix with wine vinegar or alcohol. Place in a spray bottle and use immediately.

How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

The little insects with the distinctive name of squeaky mosquitoes are the most prevalent in our country and make our lives truly unpleasant, not only by their annoying buzzing sound, but unfortunately also by transmitting many unpleasant diseases..

Unfortunately for us,mosquitoes are found everywhere in the Czech Republic, unmistakably recognizing and preying on warm-blooded animals. Only females suck blood with their long snouts. However, the fact remains that mosquito bites are unpleasant and itchy. Some vulnerable individuals have allergic reactions after being bitten.
komár na kůži

Mosquitoes generally prefer moisture, and females lay their larvae in water. If you want to spend a pleasant summer evening sitting outdoors by the water, remember to use insect repellent. Mosquitoes can make being outdoors very uncomfortable.

How can you protect yourself from mosquitoes?

There are several more or less effective means. Commercial chemical repellents are probably the most effective in keeping mosquitoes at bay, but some people prefer natural repellents.

You can also follow the old advice and make your own repellents from natural products.
komár na květině

Bring the piecesof clovesto a boil and mix them with the cologne. Pour the solution into a bowl and allow it to evaporate in the sleeping room. You will know for yourself whether this advice is valid or invalid.

Citronella has a pungent lemon-like scent that keeps mosquitoes away. It is used in the form of essential oil and evaporates in an aroma lamp. Aromatic candles also have repellent properties.

Other herbs that repel mosquitoes include:rosemary, cinnamon, and mint.

If you need to make a repellent to spray on your body, boil one of the aforementioned herbs, infuse it, and allow it to cool. When cool, mix with wine vinegar or alcohol. Place in a spray bottle and use immediately.