The first computers cost millions of dollars, confined to a room with special electrical circuits and air conditioning. Only those trained to write programs in the computer\’s language could use the computer. Today, gesture-based interaction, the use of multi-touch pads and touch screens, and the exploration of virtual three-dimensional space allow us to interact with digital devices in a manner similar to how we interact with physical objects.
This new world is not only open to more people, but allows almost everyone to exercise their creativity and innovative tendencies. Their skills no longer depend on being a mathematician or a coding expert. [They can create complex virtual reality models and modify three-dimensional worlds without any programming experience. People\’s brain activity is monitored in real time and specific thoughts are recognized. This is the next step in the historical progress that has brought technology to the masses and will further expand its use in the future.
Neuroheatsets can recognize nouns thought in the last few minutes at the beginning of their development, and this will lead to such perfection.15]
Once the writer has imagined the plot, characters, and setting of a story, the computer can then create the story in either text file format or video format, and a basic outline can be designed. The video file shows the scenes and dialogue created in the writer\’s mind.
When human thought can communicate directly with computers, a new world will open up before us. Someday, games may be played in virtual worlds with built-in social dynamics.
Such an experience would not be limited to games; software platforms such as an enhanced version of Versus would make it possible to write these kinds of games, allowing characters to evolve in the same virtual environment they inhabit.