
Nice trip

My boyfriend once took me on a winter vacation to Italy. To tell you the truth, I had never skied in my life, and I only did cross-country skiing here because I enjoyed cross-country skiing every winter. But I had never been on a winter vacation. I preferred cross-country skiing because I was afraid of falling off my skis and breaking both legs and arms. People say that because so many people are afraid of it, I shouldn\’t be the only one afraid of it, but usually it\’s the other way around.

Taky se nebojím létat letadlem.

They say it is almost impossible to break a leg skiing. However, if I am going to go skiing on my winter vacation, and if I am going to get on skis, I still need to think about it. For a while I was trying to convince my boyfriend to go to the beach somewhere for summer vacation, but he said, “We\’ll go too, but not until July. Well, that\’s a long time to wait to see the ocean and beaches! Then in December he wanted to go on a winter ski vacation. So I finally went. And you know what happened?

Často jezdím na dovolenou i sama.

I was on skis for 15 minutes when, believe it or not, I broke my ankle. I screamed in pain, and afterwards, as I was being treated for my ankle at the hospital, I yelled at my boyfriend, blamed him, and ran away from the hospital. The next day I apologized to him, but the pain got out of control again. I then told my boyfriend that I never should have gone on that vacation in the first place, that I knew I would break my leg or something if I did this. My ankle just hurt, not my whole leg, but I never want to go through that kind of pain again. What\’s your favorite vacation? Some people don\’t like to go anywhere, they like to stay home and be quiet.