Great Time

If you\’re spending your time with your family on vacation or in the mountains, I think it\’s a great feeling that you\’re enjoying it very much just switching off suddenly and not having to think about work and just driving a car somewhere. I think most people now go to the mountains to ski or…

Twitter Moves the World

Twitter is a social network, founded in 2006 as a microblogging social network. Microblogging itself is a system where users write short posts, which are then commented, shared, and rated by other users. Over the years, Twitter has evolved into one of the most dominant social networks and is now used by hundreds of millions…

Saving Tips

Save with an Envelope The so-called envelope method has been around for quite some time. The most effective would be to prepare multiple envelopes. I have found it most effective to prepare multiple envelopes, title them, for example, “Christmas, car, washing machine, holidays, etc.” and put the money in them. and titling them “Christmas,” and…

Is cancer preventable?

Preventing cancer is not as simple as infectious diseases or vaccinations, but there are a number of small things we can do to reduce our chances of developing it. Still, heredity is an important factor in this case. That does not mean that the effort is futile. Even if the disease has begun, it is…

Are you buying only respirators and respirators?

Family shopping seems to have been reduced to the increased need for medical drapes, hygiene products, disinfectant gels and creams, and finally one more measure: the search for respirators. In fact, the government requires that parents and friends in nursing homes wear respirators when visiting, for which a negative COVID-19 test is essential. Fortunately, government…