
Primark in the Czech Republic

Who doesn\’t know Primark? Sure, there are some who aren\’t really into clothes shopping, but most catch-all enthusiasts know what we\’re talking about. What few people know is that the original name of the store was not “Primark” but “Penny\’s.” In the 1960s, the chain began to make history. Entrepreneur Arthur Ryan opened the first store in Dublin, Ireland, in 1969. The essence of the store was to offer fashionable products at low prices. The store was a huge success and more stores were built. In Ireland, the store is still called Penny\’s. In 1973, Primark expanded into the United Kingdom. Due to competition from J.C. Penney\’s in the U.S., the name had to be changed. Today, there are more than 300 stores worldwide.
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The chain did not exist in the Czech Republic until today, so travel agents organized tours to shop at these stores. The chain is very popular in our country, mainly because of its affordable prices. The chain sells fashion for women, men, and children, as well as home decor and food products. Although it has been criticized several times for its inhumane attitude toward the workers who make its clothes and its lack of concern for the environment, its popularity has not diminished. There have been reports of messages written about inhumane working conditions being sewn into the clothes. However, the company has refuted these reports. Today, the company contributes to UNICEF\’s child education programs
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In Prague, the first Czech store is set to open in 2020 in Květinový dom, which is under construction at the corner of Wenceslas Square and Opletalova Street. The Irish chain also hopes to expand into Moravia, especially Brno. The number of visitors will be high, as evidenced by the previously established Facebook page we want Primark in the Czech Republic