
Salesian pedagogy

Education includes both the learning phase and the teaching phase. [The one cannot be separated from the other. Many parents believe that school and good grades there are the alpha and omega,but we must not forget that the child\’s leisure time is also very importantand its organization is crucial.
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Thus, one of the developing fields in pedagogy is undoubtedly leisure pedagogy
. škola v příroděIn connection with leisure pedagogy, it is impossible not to mention the so-called
Salesian pedagogy.

Perhaps some of you have encountered Salesian children and youth homes. This is a day-care center run by the Salesian Brothers and Sisters and is essentially for all children. What is offered is very similar to a regular children\’s and youth home.
škola v přírodě
What Salesian children\’s and youth homes offer:

    • Free oratory, a no-threshold option:
    • Numerous clubs (creative, theatrical, musical, practical, sporting, educational)
    • .

    • Thematic workshops and courses


      • Travel
      • Camps (suburban and traditional)
      • .

      What are the differences?

      • The cost of the activity is very low and rather symbolic, unlike standard DDM
      • , which is more like a “cost of doing business”

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      • Although the founders of these facilities are not towns or municipalities, but the Catholic Church, especially the Salesian congregations, the municipalities contribute to the activities of these facilities in a similar way to a standard DDM,
      • and the Salesian DDM cooperates with them.

      • Many Salesian Sisters can be found among the leisure educators, and while the spiritual atmosphere of the institutions is evident, each individual\’s opinion is respected and religious incitement is explicitly prohibited unless it is of direct interest (for example, religious instruction for children is provided)
      • .

      • Anyone can attend the institutions, but the main target group is children from disadvantaged families
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      • the children are not allowed to attend the schools, and the school is not open to children from disadvantaged families.
      • It has a very friendly atmosphere and many volunteers work there.

      The Salesian method of education is a highly respected educational system. It has its origins in John Bosco,a Turin priest and educator who lived in the 19th century,who dedicated his lifeto children on the margins of society.