As long as we humans have been primitive, there has been little technology. Therefore, we had to do everything with our bare hands, which took a lot of time and did not yield perfect results. You can imagine what you and I could do with our hands, but our ancestors, who depended on similar conditions, were no better.
Before the world knew technology, there were many things anyway. People only had access to things made with very ordinary tools, and they didn\’t look good or have great features. So the world was simple and at the same time complex because of its simplicity. Whereas today? Today?
Today we often seem to have the most sophisticated that we can achieve on this planet. That there is nothing better. That may be true. People in the past would have said the same thing. Now we have the best technology. We have machines in factories, we have transportation, we have appliances, in short, we have all kinds of technology. And it is all there to make our lives as good as possible.
Even if that technology does not help us. And sometimes it even makes us suffer. Cars carry us, but tanks kill us. Missiles help us travel into space, but they can also destroy entire cities. Sometimes technology improves our lives, sometimes it pollutes the environment, sometimes it gives us new possibilities, sometimes it makes us helpless and lazy. Sometimes it helps us communicate with people far away who we might not otherwise have contact with, but sometimes we are so busy with technology that we don\’t even have time to talk to those closest to us. So it\’s good that technology exists. Even if sometimes it is not a good thing.