
What affects the speed of the Internet

If we arrange the Internet, then one of the main parameters that we are interested in is definitely its speed.1 Here, of course, you can look at the websites of individual providers.In many cases, you can also enter the address directly, which will show you what the connection speed in the area is. Therefore, it seems that there is practically no problem here.

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Of course, it\’s just an illusion. After all, when the Internet is finally introduced to us and we solemnly launch it, it turns out that its speed is significantly less than advertised Does this mean that we are victims of fraud? Not exactly. The explanation is much more mediocre, but bad in 1 respect.

First, you need to read what the provider says. In most cases, you will find that this is not a guaranteed speed, but the maximum potential you can achieve in your area. And there is hardly a time when conditions will be so favorable, perhaps it is obvious to everyone. What is slowing it down?

surfování po internetu

The biggest factor is the surrounding obstacles – neighboring houses, trees, hills, especially if they are high and there is a router, for example, on the 1st floor. In this case, it is not surprising that the signal is much weaker and, therefore, the Internet slows down. The required data exchange takes much longer. No wonder it\’s not as fast as advertised.

In addition, the distance from the nearest transmitter, its strength and location also play a role here. Simply put, the closer we get to it, the faster our connection, whether natural or artificial, if there are no obstacles in the way of the signal. However, these transmitters are usually built to cover as large an area as possible, so there are few such buildings because they are outside the city.

Last but not least, it is necessary to mention weather and atmospheric conditions that also affect the signal. But it does not matter in comparison with others. But it is clear why it does not reach the guaranteed maximum speed.