
What is our home like?

Our home is a reflection of us. It\’s simple. The inside of your home tells a lot about how you value or don\’t value your home. Many people also want visitors to feel comfortable in their homes. In any case, it\’s not just about how tidy you are. It depends on what kind of place you are, what kind of décor you use, and what style of furniture you have.
Domácnost, kuchyně, vybavení.
You can guess most things by looking at your home. If it is well stocked with a variety of cookbooks and cooking magazines, you probably love to cook. If your bookshelves are filled with a variety of books, you are probably an avid reader. If there is an exercise corner in one of your bedrooms, you probably exercise a lot. If there are books and magazines on your bedside table, you probably read a lot before bed. If there is a small study in the living room, you probably do some work at home. If there are flowers and herbs on your balcony, you probably garden.
Looking at your home will give you a good idea of the type of person you are and how you tend to entertain and spend your time. I love the fact that just looking at your refrigerator and pantry is a great analysis of the style of food you eat and the type of eating habits that predominate.

Domácnost, ložnice, design.

For example, the same is true when looking at your library or your collection of CDs and DVDs, which gives us an insight into your personality and what you like.
Domácnost, ložnice, design.
If you have children, it is also very important to have a nursery that is age appropriate for them.14]
For example, there is a big debate about bedrooms. Many people put a TV in their bedroom, use it as a study, or use it as an exercise space. It is said that there should be no distractions in the bedroom and that there should be a bed, bedside table, lamp, and a wardrobe with clothes in it. Today, however, few people have apartments large enough to reserve this room just for sleeping
. [Therefore, parents often sleep on a sofa bed in the living room, and the bedroom is often the child\’s room.
But by all means, take care of and pamper your home. Because home is where you are most comfortable, most peaceful, and most at ease.