
When shoes don’t match

For a long time, it\’s a day when black clouds and shoes were worn on all formal occasions, whether they were weddings, funerals, offices, courts, or whatever. This is why, according to the film of the same name, Czech men abroad are called “black men” because they wear black everywhere. The entrenched stigma also supports other fashionable diseases of Czech men, such as resistance to experimentation and a sense of completely paralyzed detail.

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black pants and brown shoes? Why not?

There is a rule that brown shoes should not be worn with black trousers because brown and black are said to be the 2 dominant colors that do not overlap. However, many fashion experts say that this is not the case. As for the dark brown half-boots, on the contrary, they boldly complement the black trousers and therefore form an interesting combination that is definitely suitable for everyday wear. It should be noted that brown shoes are more suitable during the day, and for formal events and balls, for example, it is worth buying black shoes that are universal and fit for all, but light brown shoes do not fit black trousers.
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colored shoes?

They can even! It depends on what color, expressiveness and how much it will fit into the given trousers. Czech men do not like to experiment and will prefer to have 1 black suit and 1 black shoe for all, but especially in the position of business and top management, this has also changed significantly after a big reaction from the West.This looks somewhat with a smile on the Czech manager getting out of the car in black. For example, red shoes also do not need to be completely thrown away, and on a summer day, for example, they brighten up the entire outfit.

But we trust Czech men and hope that this trend will gradually change. Of course, care for cleaning shoes, this is an obvious basis, and how you can entrust something to a person when he can not even take care of his shoes, so do not argue about it at all.